Museum Presentation & Concept Visualization (SSM)
Following images illustrate the concept & general theme of a new and one-of-a-kind initiative by Swedish Spy Museum. I wanted to add maximum leverage to the initial presentation in the municipally (in spite of limiting time constraints). I was pleased to hear that the materials created for the presentation of the concept did just that & beyond. Hearts were won over at critical first stage of the presentation.

Barware Design 3D & Interactive (SSM)
3D images and designs of glass and coaster-sets created to showcase Swedish Spy Museum's profile products and add to the web shop.

Winebox Design & 3D (SSM)
3D image of the wine box, created as a conceptual foundation for further development of product design and marketing.

Covers Design & 3D (SSM)
Design, 3D-images, UI kit & custom designed Virtual Studio created for Swedish Spy Museum's marketing profile, pod and Website.

Mugs Design & 3D (SSM)
3D-image display of mug design created for Swedish Spy Museum's marketing profile.

Clothes Toy Design & 3D (SSM)
Design prints & 3D-images related to Swedish Spy Museum's profile and web-shop.

Web & Design (SSM)
I was asked to develop the visual concept for Swedish Spy Museum's (SSM) marketing profile and website. The requirement was for a website that is attractive, functional, easy to read and navigate, while also reflecting the 'spyish' and historical nature of the museum.

Creative Image Collection (SSM)
Images created for application in various marketing materials and the website of the Swedish Spy Museum.

Video & Effects (SSM)
Video-editing, processing & effects for Swedish Spy Museum's marketing profile, website and municipality-presentation. The videos were edited into the virtual studio background.