1. 3D image of CD-cover and compact disc containing special pod episodes
2. 3D image of gift box with cover art containing coasters, hollow "spy-coin", USB stick+ gift card. The USB stick contains pod episodes only available to special members.
Cover art involving 3D & 2D compositing for creating a high-resolution image and other materials showcased on this page, all featuring the cover art as a visual element . ('Spionpoden' was SSM's name decision based on podcast registration considerations.)
Video demonstration of a customized virtual studio design with the cover art integrated as an interior design element. The monitors feature SSM video materials. (Video without sound below). Click to see more video materials related to Swedish Spy Museum (SSM).
3D signage & design superimposed on city backdrop. (Text materials under development)
Media installation support for SSM owner's event involving rough editing of video featuring rehearsing performers recorded by the owner. Various projection effects and visuals were edited into specified video frames, aiding coordination and choice of visuals for next event.
Swedish Spy Museum Custom Marketing Suite 4/9